Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

1. Introduction
1.1 The Company recognises and accepts its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 including the responsibility to:
1.1.1 provide and maintain a safe and healthy place of work
1.1.2 provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision 
1.1.3 provide and maintain plant and equipment and safe systems of work
1.1.4 ensure safe access to and from the places of work
1.1.5 work to prevent accidents and work related ill health

2. General Health and Safety
2.1 The overall responsibility for health and safety lies with the Managing Director, Luke Glenet has day to day responsibility for managing health and safety.
2.2 The Management are committed to achieving the highest standards of health and safety throughout the Company. 
2.3 The Management are also committed to complying with the requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and other Regulations that apply to the Company’s work activities.
2.4 The Management team will ensure that assessments of all areas of work activities are carried out regularly, in order to identify hazards and work to prevent instances of injury, disease and dangerous occurrences arising.
2.5 The Management are also committed to ensuring that the work done by the Company does not adversely affect the health and safety of any contractors or of members of the public. 
2.6 The Management are fully committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions and adequate welfare facilities for all employees.
2.7 The Company will strive to maintain excellence in health and safety matters and in this respect, employees and others are encouraged to co-operate with the management in all safety matters, to identify hazards and reduce the risk which may exist during work activities and to report any condition which may appear dangerous or unsatisfactory.  The Company will at all times consult with the employees on these matters. 
2.8 The Senior Management will, so far as reasonably practicable, ensure that the Company provides adequate financial resources to meet these objectives.
2.9 Copies of this policy are to be available to all Company employees and other interested parties.  
3. Directors Duties:
3.1 The Directors will have at least basic knowledge and understanding of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and its associated Regulations and Approved Codes of Practice.
3.2 It will be the responsibility of all the Directors to keep all employees advised as to their responsibilities in respect of health and safety matters. 
3.3 In order to protect the safety and health of employees and others affected by the Company's operations, the Directors will: 
3.3.1 Take reasonable steps to familiarise themselves with the hazards and risks associated with working at the Company and with the precautions which need to be taken to eliminate or control those risks. 
3.3.2 Establish procedures to deal with any emergencies.
3.3.3 Appoint a suitably trained and competent person to assist them in carrying out their health and safety duties. 
3.3.4 Ensure that employees receive sufficient training and information so that they can carry out their duties safely and competently. Ensure adequate funds and facilities are available for this purpose. Before entrusting work tasks to employees, take into account their capabilities as regards health and safety and ensure that suitable Risk Assessments are carried out on any hazardous activity.
3.3.5 Initiate the timing and annual review of the Health and Safety Policy and ensure it is promoted to all employees and others working on behalf of the Company.  
3.3.6 Ensure that all employees carry out the health and safety responsibilities allocated to them.
3.3.7 Ensure the safety performance of the Company is monitored and take action to remedy any identified deficiencies. 
3.3.8 Ensure that adequate provision is made for welfare facilities and that adequate first aid provisions are made. 
3.3.9 Ensure that all necessary PPE is provided to employees, and that instruction is given on its use.
4. Designated Health & Safety Person’s Duties: 
4.1 To ensure that all the Company Directors/Partners, Supervisors and Staff are aware of their individual Health and Safety responsibilities. 
4.2 To initiate and/or recommend any changes, developments and amendments to the policy as and when necessary.
4.3 To inform the Health and Safety Executive of all notifiable accidents.  Investigate any accidents or dangerous occurrences and recommend means of preventing re-occurrence. 
4.4 To arrange appropriate training for all employees. 
4.5 To create and maintain a Training Matrix for all staff.
4.6 To ensure that Risk Assessments (including where appropriate, COSHH, Noise, Manual Handling etc) are carried out as needed. 
4.7 To ensure follow up action as needed.
4.8 To promote an interest and responsible attitude towards Health and Safety matters throughout the Company.
This policy will be reviewed annually or when there is a change in circumstances, in work practices or the introduction of new legislation.

Signed Luke Glenet
Position Director
Issue Date 05/01/2023
Reviewed annually on the anniversary 
Reviewed 05/01/2024
Version 4
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The Company means "Outmanage Limited" (07554504).

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